Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

dialog english

Afnan    : Hi, guys what are you doing?
Siti Ani : Oh Hi, We are talking about “FOOD”.
Afnan    : May I join with you?
Aay        : Sure, today therae are many food which contain Formalin, and many traders who want to get many profits.
Siti Ani : Yes, I agree with you. They use formalin on every food that they made? what will happen if we consume food with formalin? Will we die?
Afnan    : Yes, I agree with you. Today many traders who use preservative substance or formalin. Maybe we will stricken by some desease, it is depend to us who consume it.
Aay        : Yes, that is hang of ourself. But my opinion the punishment should be given to them. Because inderictly it will endanger people health.
Siti Ani : should be give punishment or discuss it before? So that they are realize what have done.
Afnan    : Yes, but we should discuss it before, and we don’t judge them by ourself directly. Although they are wrong, but we need them.
Aay        : emz, yes… I agree wit you. Maybe we give them warning before, but if they always do it, maybe the police should take in hand this case.
Siti Ani : ohm..! but maybe we often eat import for. How if like that?
Afnan    : Why? I think the import food is good. And are the import food contain formalin?
Aay        : Maybe yes or maybe no.
Afnan    : Example of import food contain formalin?
Aay        : Maybe, Example bread or fish, etc.
Siti Ani : But the society seen very health, maybe the import food is not dangerous enough? Only contain usual preservative substance?
Aay        : Maybe the import will not feel directly, but it will happen step by step.
Afnan    : It’s look usual, like health. But also the import will not feel directly. Nah, if not from import? What will we eat?
Siti Ani : Maybe food from natural and know how to make about process this food. Like food served.
Aay        : I think that food inside country be better then food of import.
Afnan    : I agree with you. Lot of children exposed to hepatitis, is that cause of foods?
Siti Ani : Yes it is, because food is eat not hygienic. Than what is food the best?
Afnan    : Like 4 healthy 5 perfect. The example of healthful food are vegetables, fruits, meat, egg, milk, bean, etc.
Siti Ani : Oh….. So, food healthy contain protein, fat, carbohidrat, etc.
Aay        : I think food the best is food from natural.
Afnan    : Continue how about snack, like Cering. That is our food?
Siti Ani : that also have kind of food health. Because food have contain fat and protein.
Aay        : We had better not eat too much, snack foods. Because will endanger our health.
Afnan    : So, we have to eat food health.
Siti Ani : All right, we should keep our  health from our food.
Aay        : So, if we want health, we should keep our body health from all food that are eat everyday.
Afnan    : agree?
Aay, Siti Ani: Agree.

The question!
Multiple choice(PG):
1.       Anyone involved in the conversation above?
a.       Aay, Afnan, Siti ani
b.      Tina, Sari, Dewi
c.       Dena, Fadil, Teguh
d.      Tera, Risa, Dwi
2.       Themed whether  the above conversation?
a.       Heart
b.      Food
c.       Hp
d.      Computer
3.       The food is harmfull for health…..
a.       Foods that contain preservatives and chemicals
b.       Foods that contain protein and carbohydrates
c.       Halal food eaten
d.      Food 4 healthy 5 perfect
4.       Who found depends on the food you eat yourself?
a.       Rita
b.      Ani
c.       Afnan
d.      Aay
5.       Ani believes that “healthy food diet…………”
a.       Contains protein, vitamin A
b.      Containing iron
c.       Contains chemicals
d.      Sumptuous food
1.       In the first dialog that opinion “Aay” whether the response Ani and Afnan to aay agree or disagree?
answer : (yes, they agree)
2.       What do Afnan about healthy food?
answer : (food 4 healthy 5 perfect)
3.       Who found the food to be eaten comes from nature and know how to make it!
answer : (she is Ani)
4.       Are children exposed to hepatitis because food?
answer : (yes, it could be because of the food you eat is not hygienic)
5.       What is the impact when eating foods that are preserved?
answer : (indirect impact is felt, initially it looks so healthy)

Answer key for the multiple-choice:
1.       (A)
2.       (B)
3.       (A)
4.       (D)
5.       (A)

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